5 reasons Why #Coachella’s Social Media Strategy is Genius

Regina Ruiz Sold out once again this year, Coachella is an epic music festival in California that wrapped up this past Sunday. The tweets were flying - Coachella certainly knows how to leverage social media for business.

Its no secret that #Coachella is one of the most blogged, face booked, and tweeted about events in the social media universe. It is irrevocably one of the most legendary music and art festivals, similar to burning man but cleaner.

It’s important to shed light on Coachella’s genius social media marketing and branding strategy, which can be easily implemented by small businesses in a user-friendly and minimally time consuming manner. Setting aside the music geeks and nerds of the world, Coachella is uber successful due to the following reasons: Cross promotion across social media platforms, drool-worthy pictures, hashtags, user interaction, and finally livestreaming.

This epic social media concoction results in a whopping 80,000 attendees each of the six days Coachella takes place as well over 1 million tweets per day and countless posts across social media channels. So, how can small businesses mold Coachella’s strategy to revamp their brand?

1) Be as Ubiquitous as Possible:

With such a large audience and fan base exist many segments of people who share different social media preferences. Having a presence on multiple social channels and publishing a mix of content types allowed Coachella to reach the broadest audience possible.

However, a word of warning is not to over-extend resources, if your business cannot handle to stretch across a large quantity of social media channels stick to an appropriate amount and make sure they are put to effective use. If you have the capability to take on a variety of social media platforms effectively, the more the merrier. Coachella is present in these platforms:

2) Pretty Pictures:

The importance of the quality and attractiveness of pictures cannot be stressed enough. Let’s face it; current society is highly visual and demanding. Therefore, when attempting to market a brand or an experience, pretty pictures are must. One of the manners Coachella is able to achieve such a high level of hype and immediate emotional response, is the pictures. The quality and level of interactivity of the images, allows for users to connect with the event and even imagine themselves present. Thus, photos are powerful assets in the world of social media; just think about the quantity of photo sharing platforms.

3) Create and Advertise a Hashtag:

Whether you were or weren’t at the festival, you could follow the conversation about #coachella and #coachellalive performance broadcasts. Each hashtag was among of the top retweeted hashtags throughout the duration of the event. This can be easily implemented by small businesses to increase the reach of social media word of mouth.

4) Easy Flow of Interaction Between All Parties:

What does this mean? Its simple, Coachella is not only an event or a brand, its an experience and a community, it is a state of being. This is basically the mecca of marketing, to elevate a brand or business to a state of being or persona users can identify with. The manner in which Coachella achieves this is the sense of community they create for users on their site and across social media platforms. For example, users can interact with one another by asking questions, sharing photos, memories, etc through various outlets. Yet most importantly, users can virtually interact with Coachella itself and Coachella administrators are quick to respond and maintain a high level of engagement. The response rate and creation of an interactive platform amongst users and administrators is a vital tool for any small business-marketing portfolio.

5) Live streaming and Recordings:

What’s better than an amazing eye-catching picture: Simple, an amazing eye-catching video. With the use of YouTube, Coachella was able to engage even fans who were unable to attend, and expand its reach exponentially. In sums, users yearn to feel included and connected to the brands they adore, even if that means they are simply just watching the Red Hot Chili Peppers on their laptop at home. In order to achieve successful marketing it is necessary for small businesses to engage all users, and create promotional marketing that reflects their brand voice. No voice speaks louder and in more free-spirited earth tones than Coachella’s. Small businesses must vocalize their brand, what better way than a stimulating video or live stream.