SMD Mashable #CurioCity Contest Winner

Jamie Nanquil | @the_jamielynn I love to travel. I always have. So when I was scrolling through Mashable, as I often do in the mornings, the headline, "Tweet an Innovative Idea for Exploring a New City to Win a Trip to London" caught my eye. It was one of those things where you think about entering, but you have zero expectations of winning. It was a shot in the dark, but what did I have to lose?

It was simple enough: tweet an innovative idea to help experience a new city, and tag #CurioCity and #Promo for a chance to win a trip to London. Without putting too much thought into it, I decided to tweet, "app that takes you on local scavenger hunt. the more checkpoints you reach, you get discounts/prizes @ local shops/restos. #CurioCity #Promo," because how cool would that be, right?

I received an e-mail weeks later saying my tweet won me a trip to London. Oh, the power of social media! I couldn't believe it. I still really don't believe it. I am beyond excited to experience London and the startup culture there and to blog about my adventures. Stay tuned and follow me as I explore the city!

To learn more about the contest and the other winners, view Mashable's write up.