SMD Summer Intern Spotlight: Kelli Shoevlin

Kelli Shoevlin | @kshoevlin

Kelli   1. Where do you go to school? What is your major?

- University of Arkansas. Major is marketing. Minor is supply chain management.

 2. What do you like to do for fun?

- I love spending time with my friends and family. I love to be active and to do things outside. (running, swimming, biking)

  3. What’s your favorite thing about social media? What’s your favorite platform?

- I love how easy it is to connect with people. My favorite platform is Instagram.

 4. Why did you choose to intern at SMD?

- I really wanted to learn more about social media and how to effectively use it. I enjoy the concept of marketing and social media, so I thought this would be a great place to learn about both!

5. Are you a dog or a cat person?

- DOG!

6. Do you have any pets?

-One dog named Annie :-)

7. What’s your favorite quote/saying?

- “If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present… Gratefully.”

8. Favorite movie?

- The Town

9. Mac or PC?


 10. Dream vacation?
