Social Media News Black Friday style...

Black Friday shoppers via Flickr user Gene Han Like many Americans, the Social Media Delivered team is off enjoying time with family and friends today. Of course we are squeezing in a bit of Black Friday shopping. However, we still want to share with you a few of the social media news headlines today.

Black Friday: Deals, Madness and Leftovers

"Without fail, on this day after Thanksgiving, America heaves with ambivalence for Black Friday. We love it for its shopping deals. We hate it for its consumerist excess. We love it for the leftover turkey sandwiches and mashed potatoes and pie for breakfast. We hate it for the pushing and shoving and long lines, and yet we can't look away from the images of such scenes."

Mashable's Emily Banks promises to share updates throughout the day, so keep your eye for more updates here.

Best Buy bets Black Friday won't go horribly wrong with social media campaign

"On Black Friday, Best Buy actually wants you to share footage of the holiday madness around you, asking customers to post six-second Vine videos on Twitter with the hashtag #VineInLine."

Creative, innovative or too risky? Read NBC News' full story here. Will you share a video with Best Buy today? More importantly - will you watch and shop with the retailer as a result of their efforts?

Black Friday Meets Social Media As Sellers Seek An Edge

"As stores plan to open their doors for the busiest shopping day of the year, a number of companies are hoping to get a jump on the competition through social media.

A recent study suggests 65 percent of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers make purchases through social media, via promoted tweets on Twitter and sponsored advertisements."

Has social media influenced any of your shopping decisions this opening weekend to the holiday season? Read more  from CBS Los Angeles about retailer's efforts to use social media to convince shoppers to spend their money today.