Social Media News: August 23rd

Matt Shamely In this weekly post we recap the latest social media news, trends and headlines. Sometimes we’ll throw in a few viral videos because after all, it is Friday.

Facebook Implements "Bump Up" Change to the Newsfeed - Nobody wants to miss out on great content, so in an attempt to not miss anything, we scroll and scroll and scroll through our newsfeeds. Before, the newsfeed posts were chronological, but now, Facebook is adding a feature that "bumps up" relevant content to the top of the feed. Content gets "bumped up" based on an algorithm determined by your interactions, likes, comments, etc. This means engagement is more important than ever for a post to be shown.

Showing how Facebook Bumps Up content

J. Crew Sneak Peeks Its Fall Catalog on Pinterest - Chic fashion company J. Crew made waves this week by plugging its new catalog straight into social media, granting exclusive first dibs to its "friends on Pinterest." The Style Guide Sneak Peek board shows the new line of clothes and a chance to pre-order before the looks become available on Wednesday August 21. Per Mashable, this is the first clothing brand to debut its catalog on the image-based network. It would be even better with prices included in the pins, but we still think this is a brilliant move, and we expect to see more of this kind of marketing in the future.

Girl in new J. Crew clothes

Zuckerberg Announces Worldwide Internet Project - CEO and founder of Facebook explains that "For nine years, we've been on a mission to connect the world," and the next step to do this is his new project The groups goal is to connect the remaining world population, around two-thirds, to the internet. The plan is to develop cheaper smartphones that would use less data as a way to connect the masses. This connectivity concept is similar to Google's project Google Loon, which incorporates internet antennas on helium balloons all over the world.


What do you think of these stories? Feel free to comment below.

From all of us at SMD, have a great weekend!