What to Expect from Google+ Business Profiles

by Rosalyn Eishen | @rosalynchoo

Yes, Google + is another new social media platform for us all to learn. The question is, will it be worth it? We think so. Once Google+ Business Profiles are up-and-running (hopefully by the end of 2011), the rewards could be very beneficial to your company and brand. Here are just a few ways that you will really be able to utilize Google+ Business Profiles for your B2C, B2B or nonprofit.

  • Search- If there’s anything that Google is good at, it’s making its search engine the best it can be.  We imagine that Google+ will probably integrate its own users’ live feeds into search . This way, companies will have one more reason to create a Google+ business profile and begin live streaming so they can appear in real-time on a user's search query.
  • Google Meeting: Instead of just using regular hangouts within your circle, you will be able to engage in “business hangouts” for virtual meetings which will allow your company to organize, record and archive phone, text and video conferences with up to 10 people. Attendees can be invited via Google Calendar, eMail and Google Chat.
  • Google Screencast: With the Screencast functionality it will be possible to record the computer screen output and share it with others in the group, allowing participants to show or demonstrate things on their computer. This will be really helpful while trying to explain to others how to do tricky and mysterious things online.
  • Google Whiteboard: The implementation of Google Docs makes it easy to present, create and share documents during a meeting. Meeting attendees will be able to make notes on a virtual “whiteboard” whose content can be shared with others via Google+ or email. Think of it as a great way for idea sharing, brainstorming and generating content more quickly as a team.
  • User Affiliation- Unlike Facebook Fan Pages, Google+ business profiles will list managers and employees of the company as well as followers.  You will then be able to see not just who follows the page, but also who actually works at the company, influences it, and makes decisions within.

Thanks to these new features, Google +  will allow more and more people to interact with each other without having to travel.  This can really be beneficial to freelancers or telecommuters, or people who have company branches worldwide.  Here’s an example Google released earlier this year of what a Google Plus business profile will look like.

What do you think? Will your company use Google Plus?