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Top 10 Reasons Businesses Should Embrace Facebook Live

By Alexis Ashcraft @thatnewschick

Facebook Live streaming video is a social media platform that came out on January 28th, and then spread like wildfire. We know you have seen it all over your feed, and you have probably participated or watched a live video or so. Though the platform is new -- and those notifications can be a tad annoying -- your business should give Facebook Live another look.

1. You can spread your message faster.

The Facebook Live video user base lets you reach billions of people without needing to post a link or software anywhere. Using a live video can help explain your message, but better yet, it can help you show your company message with your actions. Show your audience that you do live out your message, and the news will spread fast.

2. Live Q&As are a great way to introduce your company!

Whether your company is new or not, or even in the process of rebranding, you should definitely use Facebook Live to introduce your company. One option is to do a live interview of your employees (or even just the employee of the month) that can be led by those watching, as well as you. Another option are mini “conferences” where you can drop information, keep people up-to-date on your business, and more. These live question and answer sessions can truly help your company’s exposure!

3. You’ll connect more with your audience.

Though your company may keep in touch with users through your Facebook page, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, Facebook Live introduces a whole new way to speak with your audience. You will be able to do everything on a real-time basis, which shows that you truly are speaking with people instead of to. This is an amazing way to help you create a personal touch for each of your audience members, no matter how many there are. The more the audience feels personally involved in your business, the more people will want to join in the fun!

4. It will improve your social media engagement.

Reaching out in this way will help your social media engagement level. The audience that is already there can watch live, whereas the audience who finds out about it later can watch it on your page, as the video you record can be viewed later via your page. Keep in mind that over 100 million hours of videos are watched on Facebook every day, with over 8 billion average daily video views from their users. Both numbers continue to grow.

5. It helps company transparency.

We are living in the age of the internet, where privacy is just a setting. For businesses, it should be off. We at Social Media Delivered believe in hypertransparency, where our company is internally and externally open and honest. What better way to use a live feed feature than to introduce your company ideology, business plan, and more?

6. Facebook Live can be your new vlogging platform.

Instead of consistently blogging and then monitoring your feedback, your company can start throwing in vlogs, and reacting to your feedback in real time. It’s easier and more fun for everybody!

7. It’s a great way to teach.

You can teach your audience about anything. Is there a company ideology that you want to explain and teach? Maybe a new product that you would like to explain the mechanics of? Or is there a new way to use something your company provides? You can teach your audience about it. Also, you can choose your audience, so you could aim the lessons toward certain clients, employees, etc.

8. You can share opinions/views with many.

Was there news or a product that came out that affects your line of business, and you feel like you should comment? Facebook Live is much better for this than a blog post or memo. You can pre-plan your content, and then answer questions or accept feedback or views that you did not know about.

9. It helps boost company events.

Show more on how your company truly is by recording events that you are attending or throwing. Show and potentially explain the need and reason for the function, and show the users around. Talk to the users as if they were there physically asking questions to get them even more engaged.

10. You can advertise. 

Of course, every video is a great way to advertise. However, whenever you have a new product or service, you should showcase it on Facebook Live, answering any questions posed by your audience. Not only will it be great for those tuning in, but it will also pop up and be featured on all of your fans’s pages.

Look at Facebook Video as another social media platform that could be used in so many different ways, and start using it. Your company will reap the benefits, and your fans will all be impressed! Need help boosting your social engagement levels? We can do that! Find out more about us at