Social Media Delivered

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Watch Social Media Delivered CEO Eve Mayer on Periscope!

This morning our CEO, Eve Mayer, spoke at the Digital Summit Atlanta 2016 conference on two different topics: Hypertransparency and Social Care, and Trends in Search and Social. In Hypertransparency and Social Care, Eve talks on the importance of being transparent with your employees. She takes it one step further, introducing that this radical idea should also be used in social media. Eve defines hypertransparency as "an absolute commitment to truth" in all operations. In Trends in Search and Social, the roundtable group talks about the latest in social media and how it affects those in the social media marketing field. Topics include the new update to the Twitter character limit, Facebook Live vs. Periscope, future platforms, Google+, the Instagram algorithm and more.

Catch up on both of these in the links provided above!