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The "Other" Facebook Inbox You Didn't Know You Had

Ali Diehl | @alitherealdiehl You’ve got (hidden) mail.

Do you think you know everything there is to know about Facebook?

When a friend sends you a private message, you are notified with a hard to ignore (even if you choose) red number at the top of your screen. Depending on your settings, you may even get an Email.

But when someone you presumably do not know messages you, no notification is given. These messages get directed into an alternate inbox called “Other” where they remain overlooked—unless you make a specific effort to access them.

You may spend hours on Facebook and never notice the grayed out, barely visible option in your inbox frame.

The good news is these long-lost messages are not hard to find, if you know where to look.

Go to your Facebook page. In the left-side panel click Messages. There, next to the bolded word “Inbox,” you see a light gray word “Other.” You might be surprised at the amount of important stuff waiting for you there.

Other Inbox

You can also access the Other inbox by clicking on the Messages icon in the top toolbar, then click Other in the drop-down window that appears.

If you don’t want your Other folder buried, you can follow Facebook’s guide to change your filter preferences for your messages here.