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Social Media News: May 24th

Angelo Fernandez | @angelobfs In this weekly blog post we recap the latest social media news, trends and headlines. Sometimes we'll throw in a few viral videos because after all, it is Friday.

Happy 8th Birthday YouTube - While YouTube is busy promoting their Comedy Week to ramp up the amount of viewers and subscribers the comedy duo The Gregory Brothers have made a special video The History of YouTube with some of the biggest videos over the years.


Teen Enthusiasm For Facebook Wanes - One in four online teens use Twitter, up from 16% in 2011. Teens spend less time on Facebook to avoid their parents and other adults as well as rampant "oversharing."

You've Already Pinned That - Pinterest has been listening to their users and finally rolled out a new feature that notifies you if you have already pinned an image and tells you where you have pinned it. You can still pin the image but it's a nice notification.

Pinterest - Already Pinned

Twitter Released New Ads - Twitter started testing a new "lead-generation" ad that looks like a Groupon-style daily deal. Advertisers can offer Twitter users discounts/deals and anyone who wants to claim it can do so with a simple click of a button.

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