Social Media Week

Jeffrey Young jeffrey_young09 Social Media Week is social media with a real life twist.  The week dedicated to social media turns it into a worldly issue we can explore not only in the confines of our browser, but in the physical world as well.

social media week

So what is Social Media Week?

It’s a weeklong event (2/17 – 2/23) in ten different cities worldwide that discusses social issues affecting us collectively and how social media is changing our world.

What makes it awesome?

Social Media Week is hosted in several different countries and languages around the world, and that's what makes it great.  Social Media ties us all together because we're all involved in it.

To give you an idea of the broad range of topics that will be covered, we’ve put together a list of some of the events.  If you’re not able to attend the events, the next best thing is friending, following, and subscribing on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google Plus.

Longform in a Shortform World in New York

Explores how longer, more thoughtful pieces of writing can live on in a shortform 120 character world.

The DNA of viral news in Copenhagen

Explores the “DNA” of news stories and what exactly makes them go viral.

Change the world with a hashtag in Singapore

Gives first hand accounts of how companies are using social media for social good.

It’s time to #BeFearless in Social Media in Washington

Business owners and nonprofits talk about how they’re using social media in new and evolving ways to advance their cause.

What’s your relationship status: The truth about dating & social media in Miami

Learn how Instagram can get you a second date and what that re-tweet really means.

Social Media Week doubled in size last year.  Last year’s Social Media Week was hosted in 13 cities and was attended by 30,000 people.  I’m sure this year will be a success as well, and it’ll continue to evolve and spread to more cities next year.  Friend Social Media Week to get real time news about everything Social Media Week, and who knows, you might have the chance to personally go to an event one year.

Will Nesbit