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Using Memes to Launch a Social Media Campaign with Personality

Meret Steves | @simplymeret When looking on Twitter, it's easy to tell those accounts with personal tweets and those with business related tweets or tweets with motives. That being said, there are those accounts that fall inbetween.  Users like 90s Girl Problems and other meme accounts post personal tweets as if they exist.  This lets the reader use their imagination to believe the account belongs to a real 90's teenager with problems, or whatever social idea the account represents.

While many believe the simple ability to construct an image with text to excite emotion in others is a new phenomena, this tool has been around throughout history. Memes began as expressions of speech passed along by word of mouth to convey cultural or social ideals from an individual to a wide audience. Today they travel much faster and reach wider array of individuals with the help of the Internet.

Twitter Meme Posts

That being said, if used correctly, memes can not only create an ever growing following but also money. Websites like Quick Meme and Meme Generator make creating new characters or adding new captions to previous memes simple.Once your humorous meme generates fans, you should create a website to showcase your meme.   Squidoo is one of many easy tools to use to create your website for free. You can earn money from referral links to sites like Amazon and Ebay, as well as ad sales on your website. Other ways to bring in the cash are through merchandise and book sales featuring your meme.

memes social media

One way to continue pushing your meme into fame is to reach out to your customers by being social.  As I said earlier, by creating a Twitter account for your meme, your character will fully embed the idea in readers minds that it actually says these things and is real. Another benefit of having social platforms for your meme is to encourage conversation with your readers, allowing them to spread your posts by retweeting and even giving you more ideas of what your meme would say.  Some funny tweets from memes can be seen here. What do you think about memes?