Social Media: Are You Focused on the Big Things & Missing the Simple Ones?

By: Melissa;

Many Call Centers I work with are so focused on Metrics and Technology and other state of the art processes that the Customer and 'building of relationships' in business become secondary. Everyone is looking for the biggest, newest, trendiest ways to do Social Media too. In the searching for the ultimate answers to Social Media, how many simple things are missed?

The following are some simple tips which I’ve found effective especially if you are new to the Social Media Sphere:

1. Trying to get the highest number of Followers, Friends, etc  vs. Looking for the Quality:  Who are you targeting?  Why?  How will they help your business?  Do you really need the Penny Stock people and should you follow them?  Depends…do you want to interact with THEIR followers on Twitter, are they prospects or just making your profile look good.

2. Selling, selling and more selling is bad: Every Tweet, LinkedIn comment or Facebook post is about how great you are and why they should buy.  All the links you provide are to your website selling something.  As Eve Mayer Orsburn, CEO of Social Media Delivered, preaches and rightly so, there should be a mix of knowledge, entertainment, interaction and selling. Selling should only be 20% of your communications.

3. Poor to no follow-up with others: I scan tweets and work with my listed Twitter followers in my area by commenting on their posts, retweeting, thanking for their retweets or mentions.   But I don’t wait for them first.  I initiate and see who interacts or passes my tweets along.  I email or call for further dialog if I see an opportunity to network or sell. It’s amazing how many people never recognize your comments in their tweets or retweets.  I may not be your prospect or customer, but shouldn’t you think about my “influence” and followers and how they might be interested in you? Refer to back to Point #1 above...

4. No Personal Touch: I use Social Oomph for some automation because I’m not available 24/7 for Twitter checks and comments.  Neither are you which is why some type of automation is helpful.  However, I do single out individuals and businesses I want to interact with and send direct messages.  The messages may be a comment about something they’ve tweeted or where they live or asking them a question. I’m not selling anything at this point, just establishing a relationship with the person.  Want to do business with their company?  “Like” them but also make comments about their food, hotel, great service or ask questions to interact.

5. Interactions and Postings must be FREQUENT and ACCURATE, but not annoying: We have a local well-meaning business here who is sending out a Facebook event with bad dates and this pops up weekly on your page.  I saw one person commented to them “STOP SENDING THIS %$$**@&% INFORMATION!!”  Hmmm…not a great way to build happy customers.  Have a plan for how often you will have postings or comments for each type of Social Media.  When I see a company hasn’t posted in 2 weeks, I’m not going to Follow them or go to their other Social Media sites and waste my time looking for new information, offers, etc.

6. Mix-up your interactions- Have something for everyone: Remember that Social Media should be a Customer or Prospect interaction tool but not the only tool.  Email, call and set face-to-face meetings are still important.  In sales and marketing, we should never rely on one type of customer contact but use a mix that is the best way to contact and interact with them.  As Grandma said, Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

Do I make mistakes with Social Media?   Sure, but I try to learn from them.  One thing I have learned:  sometimes it’s the small things that make the biggest impression on our Customers and Prospects.

Will Nesbit