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5 'Summer Must Read' Social Media Books from the SMD Book Club

Summer time at Social Media Delivered means a lot of exciting things. As the temperature continues to rise reaching the 3-digts, our team keeps cool and busy in our office working on Webinar meetings, New Business presentations, Book Tours and the list goes on.  More importantly summer also means participating in the SMD Book Club! So in the spirit of The Referral Engine, the SMD Book Club wants to recommend the following 5 'Summer Must Read' Social Media Books for you all to take on your travels, put in your beach bags, and tote to the pool.  Let us know if there are any good tiles we missed, Happy Reading!

Socialnomics / Erik Qualman - A great read and an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the implications of social media, and how businesses can tap the power of social media to increase their sales, cut their marketing costs, and reach consumers directly.  Social Media Club of Dallas featured the author at a seminar and it was awesome!

The Facebook Era / Clara Shih - After reading this guide one will have a better understanding on how to develop their brand on the World Wide Web of people.  The case studies in this book are phenomenal and the writing is light and quick.  We recommend this for those growing their B2C organization.

Delivering Happiness / Tony Hsieh - As a author Hsieh is a no brainer go-to when reviewing the effectiveness of your brand's social media campaign.  His beliefs?  Make customer service the entire company not just a department, focus on company culture as the #1 priority, and apply research from the science of happiness to running a business.  A fantastic reflection/case study looking at the social media/customer service correlation.

The Referral Engine / John Jantsch - The power of social media leverages one of the most primal functions of communication: word of mouth awareness.  Jantsch takes this idea to the next level and addresses why the 'Refferral Engine' is a marketing force to be reckoned with.  Read this book and be rewarded with knowledge about how to maximize on referrals; one of greatest untapped resources within a company.

The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web / Tamar Weinberg - Marketing is no longer about selling.  It's about sharing information within a community.  It's no longer about imagery.  It's about leveraging customer reviews and building a relationship with your target audience.  The rules of the marketing game are changing, reading this manual will help you survive.