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3 Snazzy Snapchat Updates: A Quick Look

by Richard Niño | @_Richard_Nino


Don’t live under a social media rock.

Like all major social platforms, Snapchat is evolving with the times. (If you haven’t incorporated it into your marketing strategy yet, it may be time to take a look.)

Here’s a recap of the latest updates in the Snapchat-o-sphere.

Design Change?


Images obtained by hackers show that Snapchat is looking at changing their “chat” window. Snapchat is making it easier for those using the feature to upload photos - especially since it’s the only place in the entire app that you can do so. The layout also looks to rival that of Facebook Messenger, and with this new evidence of Snapchat’s Messenger-like “stickers,” Mark Zuckerberg could have a new competitor on his hands.


#45 Best App of All Time

There are billions of apps in the app store, and for Snapchat to rank in the top 100 is no everyday accomplishment. Watch the video below to learn more. 

No Longer the “Sexting” App

One of the biggest reasons businesses have been wary of using Snapchat is due to the myth that it’s nothing but a “sexting” app with a 24-hour disappearing act. However, it’s a reputation that is quickly disappearing with major brands beginning to start their own Snapchat partnerships.

With The Wall Street Journal being the first ever U.S. newspaper to make its way into the Discover portion of the app, it’s clear that Snapchat has finally hit the mainstream market. Since the Wall Street Journal can now be found in the same location as Cosmo, Buzzfeed and Mashable, the app is now varying its target audience. Don’t believe that it’s not just for teenagers anymore? See my 3 favorite examples below:


Interested in how we can help your business make the most of the little ghost? Give us a call at (469) 248-0616!