Is Your Company Meant To Pin, or Not To Pin?

With it’s growing popularity, Pinterest can be a strong tool in many social media campaigns.  The social media platform, in which users can have “boards” with a variety of images and brief descriptions, allows you to broadcast a theme and array of ideas to the public.  Many companies can use Pinterest to gain attention and popularity, but for others Pinterest may be ineffective.

Pinterest has a popular audience just like any other social media platform.  With over 18 million users, nearly 70% are women and half are parents.  This could mean that Pinterest users may not be  the same audience you are trying to reach out to, in which case using other social media platforms would be much more useful.

The format of Pinterest can prove to be the most important component of the social media platform when deciding on which one is best for your company.  While visuals can amplify some industries, some just appear to be just plain, boring and dull. Beauty, fashion, food and retail industries with compelling visual content tend to thrive on Pinterest, while others such as consulting, hardware, or services companies may find it more difficult to find truly compelling visual content.

Will Nesbit