The 5 Best Marriage Proposals on the Web #ValentinesDay

 Elisa Pequini | @lipequini Oh, Valentine's Day. I don't know about you guys, but here at Social Media Delivered we love celebrating love. And what better way to do that than getting inspired by some of the 5 best proposals we could find on the web! Enjoy the romance, and Happy Valentine's Day from the Social Media Delivered team.

1. The Dancing Proposal

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do, oh baby, I think I wanna marry you." - Even though we don't think people should get married just because there's nothing better to do, the Bruno Mars song and the dancing in this video would make any girl say yes.


2. The Meme Proposal

We love memes! And this guy is not going to end up forever alone.


3. The Disney Musical Proposal

It's a musical, it's in the Magic Kingdom, it's romantic - pretty much the best recipe to make her say yes.  If you're in love, you need to watch this.


4. The Old Spice Proposal

We are not sure if asking someone else to propose to your girlfriend on your behalf is a good idea, but this is the Old Spice we're talking about. And she did say yes!


5. The Website Proposal

Do you remember Julie? The girl who got an entire website as a proposal? Also known as the cutest proposal on the web? If you don't, click on the link - and don't forget to scroll all the way down to see the video with her reaction.


Will Nesbit