Today's guest on Social Media for CEO is.. Pam Bowers from Organized Chaos

Join us this morning live at 10am CT / 11am ET when our host Eve will interview Pam Bowers, Entrepreneur extrodinaire and owner of Organized Chaos - a top ranked Organization Service for Home & Office based in Dallas, Texas.  Eve, and Pam will discuss how several social media aspects (like YouTube) can help businesses increase brand awareness, engage their target audience, and generate positive/sustained growth. Pam's Bio:

After obtaining her Executive Secretarial Associate's Degree, Pam spent nearly 20 years in the corporate world.  During the early part of her career, she became a Certified Professional Secretary after passing all parts of the exam on the first attempt.  Her office skills continually received high compliments, particularly in the area of organization.  After responding to a request (posted on to help with a busy photographer's home office organization, Pam decided to use her experience to focus solely in the area of organizing the chaos that seems to control our lives.  In 2006, Organized Chaos was formed.  Pam resides in Little Elm, Texas with her husband of 24 years, her two children, 4 dogs, and 4 turtles.

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Will Nesbit