Talking about “Business, Networking & You” - Gary goes to CNN650

Today at Noon you might be eating might be checking your Twitter feed or Facebook status or you might want to take a moment and tune in to; They'll be interviewing Gary T. Murphy, President of GaryKnows Consulting on the popular business talk radio show. In particular, Gary will be discussing some of the main “take-aways” that were shared at the executive round table luncheon “SocialMediaExposed” he hosted last week in Houston.  At this event, Eve Mayer Orsburn, CEO of Social Media Delivered gave a wonderful presentation, along with Jason Arcemont, President of  Two surprise guest speakers also spoke at the event: Ms. Sally Ramsay, Sr Vice President & Mr. Phil Morabito, CEO of largest PR firm in Houston, Pierpont Communications

Not sure how much you know about RD Yoder, producer of the radio business show, “Business, Networking & You” -- but he is also the founder and president of HNN  He was a one man networking army, that has now amassed to  over 5000 members strong.  If you are in business in Houston be sure to go to their website and check out any events coming up, they are not to be missed.  The show, “Business, Networking & You” is on every Wednesday at noon – and boasts many of the brightest and most knowledgeable Houston business owners that the city has to offer.

Tune in today at 12pm to [or on AM Radio 650] for the show, “Business Networking & You” and to hear Gary's interview about Social Media Marketing.