Guest Blog via IOS (Imaging Office Systems): Unafraid

By: Brian Kopack, originally posted here The IOS team had nationally-recognized Eve Mayer, CEO, Social Media Delivered, in to teach us about social media. What it is, why it is critical, how we should be making it work for us. She was FABULOUS. She presented with energy. She was easy to follow. She made everything seem simple. Maybe too simple.

Sitting through the session on day two, it hit me. Listening to Eve dissect our business, I understood a little about what our potential customers might feel when they first talk to us. Fear.What's Your Goal

New ideas, new technology, new communication, a challenge to our status quo. What’s not to be nervous about?

Eve talking to us about a plan for our blog or Twitter is probably like IOS talking about electronic records management or a paperless document approval process. I understand the concepts. Great ideas that we probably need, but they are different and probably hard to implement and they might not work, and I will look foolish for recommending them, and…

The world is changing at hyper-speed. The rate of innovation is staggering. The power of technology is creating seismic shifts in how quickly we leverage ideas to create real value. Recognizing that is easy. Embracing it is not.

Being courageous isn’t the opposite of being fearful. Being courageous is the power to act in spite of fear.

Toward the end of the session, I got over it. Put my reservations aside and committed to moving forward. Why? I know the plan we put together is solid. We can execute it well. We have experts helping.

Where could I have learned that?

IOS customers.

For more than forty years, customers have trusted IOS to deliver state-of the-art solutions that promote their businesses forward. Why? We are experts - at analyzing issues - at developing solutions - at delivering value.

Experts at removing barriers to business – even fear.

Will Nesbit