LinkedIn Summary: A Great First Impression in 2,000 Characters or Less

Taylor Wilson@_twils Whether you are using LinkedIn to search for a job or simply connect with others in your industry, make the most of your Summary section.  How you choose to utilize this blank space can have a significant impact on the way you are received. When writing your summary, keep these things in mind:

1)   Tell a story. This is your opportunity to differentiate yourself in a distinguished and memorable way. Share something that we wouldn’t be able to find in your resume bullets. Include what accomplishment you are most proud of. Engage your readers and don’t be afraid to show a little personality.

linkedin summary

2)   Focus on you.  Although you should include a sentence or two about your company, your summary should be about you as a professional and what you bring to the table. Write about what distinguishes from others and why clients want to do business with you.

linkedin summary

3)   Break it up.  Make your profile visually appealing and easy to read. Utilize headers, sub-headers, and graphics if they are appropriate. Using these to break up text will show consideration and engage your readers.

linkedin bio

4)   Integrate keywords. If someone is looking for your niche, what keywords would they type into Google?  Keywords can have a significant impact on how you show up in LinkedIn’s internal search engine. Don’t use keywords just to use them; pick ones that will help optimize your profile and try to avoid these overused words.

LinkedIn Buzz Words

5)   Invite people to connect.  Make it clear whether you are looking for a job opportunity or to connect with other professionals. It is important to continue to grow your network and so make it easy and provide an email address or phone number people can reach you at.